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Master Plan Notes 2009/03/05
Town of Sunapee
Planning Board Meeting
March 5, 2009

Present:        Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                Peter White
                Bruce Jennings
                Philip Porter
                Derek Tatlock
                Michael Marquise, Planner

Absent:         Alan Davis, Vice Chairman
                Fred Gallup, Ex-officio Alternate
                Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator
                Emma M. Smith, Ex-officio

7:00 p.m - the meeting was called to order by Chairman, Peggy Chalmers.  Roll call was taken.

The minutes of the December 18th meeting were reviewed and the following corrections made:
1)  Page 1, line 14, add ‘Philip Porter’
2)  Page 1, line 16, delete “Philip Porter”
3)  Page 1, line 33, change ‘1009’ to read ‘2009’
4)  Page 3, line 115, change ’council’  to read  ‘counsel’
5)  Page 3, line 126, change ‘council’ to read ‘counsel’

A motion was made by Bruce Jennings to approve the minutes as corrected.  The motion was seconded by Philip Porter and approved unanimously.

Michael Marquise presented the mylar of the subdivision plans approved in January, 2009 and asked the Board members to sign on each page. He asked if the Board members had received an email about the Municipal Association meeting scheduled for April and said that it would be a valuable meeting to attend.

Peggy Chalmers stated that Bob Stanley was on the ballot and should be included in any emails sent regarding future meetings. She then asked Nick Contos to introduce himself and give the Board a brief background on himself.

Nick Contos stated that he owns a restaurant on Route 11. He migrated to Sunapee from New York City approximately 20 years ago and he was interested in becoming an alternate Planning Board member.  Michael Marquise interjected that because there was an open seat on the Board, Nick would probably fill in most of the time.  Philip Porter asked if the seat would be filled next year and Michael responded that all that was needed were two votes to get the seat, but if no one takes the seat and there are no write-ins, the Board can appoint someone to fill it. Nick stated that he would like to understand the rules and procedures of the Planning Board and that he was not sure of the appropriate questions to ask as an alternate; in addition, he wanted to know the function of the Zoning Board in relation to the Planning Board. Peggy Chalmers responded that the Zoning Board hears special exception and variance requests to the Town zoning ordinances and can grant or deny those requests, based on certain criteria.  

Peter White explained that the Planning Board is similar to the executive branch (making the zoning laws), while the Zoning Board is the judicial branch (changing the zoning laws), and the enforcement agency would be the Zoning Administrator. Bruce Jennings interjected that the Planning Board also has planning responsibilities to: 1) applications to change/alter land use; 2) long term ongoing conceptual plans for the Town. He stated that the Board members are required to not discuss anything brought to the Board outside of Board meetings. Philip Porter stated that the Planning Board is also available for consultations.  Peter White stated that the purpose of the Board is to focus on the merits of a case brought before it and to be objective in any decisions it makes. Michael Marquise asked Nick if he could commit to two nights a month as continuity is important in being part of the Board. Nick responded that he could in fact do that. Philip Porter asked if the Board would be meeting every other week after the Master Plan was passed and Michael responded yes. Peggy Chalmers asked if the Board members were ready to vote.

Bruce Jennings made a motion to recommend Nick Contos for alternate Board member and Derek Tatlock seconded. The motion was approved unanimously without further discussion.

Peggy Chalmers said that Nick would be sworn in (for a three year term) by the Town Clerk once he signed the appropriate form(s).  Michael Marquise said that he would have the form(s) made up and contact Nick when they were ready.

Map 233 Lot 68  Rebecca Susan Bense
Map 233 Lot 67  80 Bradford Road
                        Lot Merger

Peggy announced the next item(s) on the agenda. Michael Marquise stated that it was an empty lot and the request was for the purpose of a septic system approval and the merger of two non-conforming lots into one conforming lot. Peggy asked for a motion.

Philip Porter moved that the Board accept the proposal for the lot(s) 68 & 67 merger and Peter White seconded. The motion was approved unanimously without further discussion.

Map 125 Lot 29          Lynn Hopeman
Map 125 Lot 28          150 Garnet Street
Map 125 Lot 27          Lot Merger

Michael Marquise stated that the request was to make three lots into one large lot which would clean up the lot(s) and the road frontage. Peggy Chalmers stated that it was the second house from Dewey Beach and the merger would make the parking area more conforming. She asked for a motion.

Peter White made a motion to approve application for the lot(s) 27, 28, and 29 merger at 150 Garnet Street and Philip Porter seconded. The motion was approved unanimously without further discussion.

Michael Marquise stated that he had some updates on the Master Plan notes:
1)  he ordered the maps- existing land use and proposed land use maps with two draft copies for submission
2)  he met with the Conservation Commission and the Upper Valley people regarding land use and the Master Plan. He stated that sometime in April they want to meet with the Planning Board to discuss the plan(s).
3) regarding the question of 3,000 to 5,000 housing units in the Upper Valley, it was his understanding that they will review the proposal in 2010 as the data may not be the same as it was 3 or 4 years ago.
4) regarding the question about bike paths-nothing specific in town, possibly along Route 11, most of the bike paths were along the rails to trails areas, (Sunapee lost their right of way to the railroad).
5) the community design-Jeff Taylor, (consultant/planner) told Michael that he is interested in working with the Board.  The first open meeting time was on April 2nd, but Peggy Chalmers stated that she would not be back until April 9th.  Michael said that it was important that she be there, so he would find out if Jeff was available for April 16th. Bruce Jennings asked what the cost would be and Michael responded that the Town would have to decide what it wanted to spend, that there was approximately $8,000 left in the funding for this.

The Board decided to make a field trip with Jeff and the landscape architect to the Lower Village in order to come up with a template for a village center that would achieve what the Master Plan is about. Peggy Chalmers suggested that the Board look into the old Woodbine property and see how that played into it. Michael Marquise stated that he would arrange the field trip for next Thursday, March 12th (if Jeff Taylor was available), for 3 pm and will notify everyone by email.

Peggy asked that they get Nick Contos’ email address so he is notified for future meetings.

Bruce Jennings brought it to the Board’s attention again that the buffering trees across from the Painted Lady were not mature enough to cover the boats being housed for the winter and now the boats were placed in between the trees so that they were in effect buffering the trees. He felt that this should be addressed and Michael stated that he would bring it to Roger Landry’s attention.

8:00 PM - Meeting adjourned.

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary of , not a verbatim of the tape.

Submitted by, Camille Holmes                    Approved _________________________
Recording Secretary

______________________________          __________________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                Allan Davis, Vice Chairman

______________________________          __________________________________
Bruce Jennings                                  Derek Tatlock

______________________________          __________________________________
Philip Porter                                           Peter White

______________________________          __________________________________
Emma M. Smith, Ex-Officio                               Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-Officio